Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm good at Measures

I'm Still Learning Measures

This is a short video that shows one of the things that I am still learning in Maths. Measurement and conversions from one unit to another. Feel free to leave me some helpful hints.

I'm good at place value

I am great at working with decimals and place value! If you are having some problems with this, just flick me an email and I'd be happy to help you out.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Character Description

My uncle looks like Wiz Khalifa without tattoos and Snoop Dogg without long hair. He is tall like the sky tower. Do you have my picture? He is so talented because he can do mostly anything you ask him to do. He is so funny that when he talks, everyone drops everything and listens. He likes to play guitar, play ps3/ black ops 2, Assassin's creed 3 and many more games. Some other thing’s he like’s to do Is walk down to the beach, ride his bike a cruise all over the place including, New Zealand, Glen Innes. I enjoy going biking with him playing on the ps3, going for a swim but especially jamming with him on the guitar. Pretty much everything he does.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ISF Mens World Softball Championships

Yesterday while watching Black Sox vs Venezuela finals I hoped that the Nz Black Sox would win. I had heaps of faith in the Sox that they would win. I wished and wished that I could go and watch the Black Sox but the finals were all booked out. My dad was going to the beach and I really felt like going for a swim but I really wanted to watch the game as well. I had that much faith in Black Sox so I just recorded them and went for a swim down at Pt England beach.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Simile and Metaphor

As you can see Tana, Lave, Samuela and I made a little presentation about simile's and metaphor's. Hope you enjoy our little presentation.

Monday, March 4, 2013

2013 test

“Its time to pack up” M’s Marshall said to the kids. “Get ready for lunch, and make sure you have a healthy lunch and your hat” Ms Marshall announced. As Brax opened his bag Harley asked him “what are you having for lunch” Brax sadly replied “nothing”. He ran outside to scan over everyones lunch but couldn’t find It. Then he ran to the staff room and asked M’s Marshall if shes seen his lunch, but no one had seen his lunch.

The next day Brax came back from his Kapa Haka practice that was 1 hour before lunch and came running into class just so he can make sure that no one goes into his bag. M’s Marshall said to him “why did you run into class?” as he exhaustively replied “because yesterday I think someone stole my lunch and I wanted to make sure no one would get into my bag”. He put his hand in his bag slowly hoping his lunch would be there but again it wasn’t there.

This morning we all completed our first writing sample for 2013. I have posted it just as I wrote it in the 40 minutes that we were given, so that throughout this year I will be able to look back and reflect on the progress I have made In my writing, I will post my learning goals from the soon.

Title: Ghost at school

Wednesday after Brax finished eating his Nutri-Grain thinking it would help him, he felt he had so much energy that he could run more rugby field’s than you can imagine. He felt on to it. So this lunchtime he was so clever that he put his bag in front of him and see what would happen. He waited five minutes before and after lunch but no one took or went into his bag. He put his hand in his bag the third time his lunch was not their so he really wanted to bust this case but he didn’t know how.

Thursday, And he was starving every lunch time so what he done this lunch was took his lunch out of his bag and put it onto his desk to watch it while learning. Brrrrrrrrring!!! and that was the bell. His lunch was still on his desk but as he went to go put his book and pencil in his desk it suddenly disappeared. He was shocked because it was so scary that some thing disappeared right in front of him like their was a ghost. He knew no one had taken it but he had solved what had been happening. MYSTERY SOLVED!!!